Ram Family Update Mailing List

The Ram Family Update is a monthly newsletter for Parents and Families to keep up-to-date with events and important deadlines at Virginia Commonwealth University. Need to subscribe? Fill out our sign-up form to receive the monthly update.

VCU Families Facebook Page

Please join us on our newly redesigned VCU Families page for important information and more of what you want to see: the faces and places around VCU's Monroe Park and MCV campuses. Posts will include fun events for students and families, information about campus operations and more.

Parent and Family Blog

Visit the Parent & Family blog for articles and information about everything from upcoming events to advice on supporting your student through roommate issues or end-of-semester stress. Pictures and videos will link out to important updates and information like final exam schedules, dining plans, financial aid and highlights from big events like Family Weekend, Commencement and much more.