VCU Alcohol and Other Drugs Resources and FAQs

We want our community to have the information they need to make the safest and healthiest choices regarding alcohol or other drug use. However, even if you make the choice not to use alcohol or other drugs, there is a chance that you might be impacted by the substance use of a friend, classmate or family member. Need more info? Review the Health Risks of Alcohol and Other Drugs.

For Students

RecWell Health Promotion | 804-828-9355
Provides several positive, inclusive, and empowering educational programs for students and faculty

  • Free online self-assessment with immediate, anonymous feedback on the website
  • Free brief alcohol screening and intervention for college students (BASICS) and Cannabis Screening and Intervention for College Students (CASICS), which include the online assessment followed by a 30-minute individual motivational enhancement session with a health educator or a clinician from University Counseling Services.
  • Group education sessions available by calling or by submitting a request online: Request a Program

Rams in Recovery | 804-366-8027
Peer-driven recovery support for students in recovery, referral to resources for students. Supports include study space, recovery meetings, peer monitoring, events and activities.

Community groups based on non-professional mutual support offer individual sponsorship, group meetings, and membership to anyone interested in dealing with substance use issues. Several 12-step groups meet on campus. See curated resources above for more information.

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) |
AlAnon Family Groups |
Narcotics Anonymous |
SMART Recovery |
Refuge Recovery |
Families Anonymous |
Nar-Anon Family Group

Student Disability Accommodations
To ensure access to its programs and services, VCU provides academic and other reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities, including disabilities related to substance use. For more information about services, required medical documentation, and to register with the office on your academic campus, contact the appropriate office below.

University Counseling Services | 804-828-6200 (Monroe Park; available for crisis services day and night); 804-828-3964 (MCV Campus)

  1. Provides individual and group therapy for students with substance use disorders or students looking to change their substance use patterns.
  2. Consultation is available for other members of the university community and family who are concerned about a student.
  3. Collaborates with The Well to administer BASICS and CASICS.

University Student Health Services | 804-828-8828 (Monroe Park Campus); 804-828-9220 (MCV Campus)
Assessment education and referral information for students regarding the health effects of substance use and misuse.

For Staff/Faculty

Employee Assistance Program (or other health care provider)

Refer to the Employee Assistance Program on the Department of Human Resource Management website for links to options provided through state employee health care plans. If not covered by the state employee health benefits program, please contact your personal health care company for EAP options.

Employee Health Services | 804-828-0584

Resource and referral to employee assistance providers and community resources. Refer to the Employee health page on the VCU HR website for more information.

Human Resources Employee Relations Office | 804-828-1510

Resource and referral information. Reach them by phone or by email:

Frequently Asked Questions

Biennial Review

If you are interested in learning more about how VCU works to provide AOD education and other resources to students, review the 2022-2024 Biennial Review created by the Alcohol and Other Drugs Advisory Committee.