Student Life at VCU
When you aren't in class, how will you choose to spend your time? We can help with that.
Tools for Academic Success
The ability of a student to succeed at Virginia Commonwealth University relies on many facets of a student’s life working in tandem with each other. The academic rigors of higher education, coupled with the aspects of co-curricular involvement and the multitude of other obligations, provide for a plethora of challenges and demands for each student.
Technology on Campus
Check out the resources available that help you stay plugged in while you are on campus.
Health, Wellness and Safety
Virginia Commonwealth University puts a lot of resources and effort into student health and safety so that you can focus on what’s important — getting the most out of your college experience.
Career and Financial
Rams practice career wellness by making a positive impact through their job or chosen career through contributing to the organization and society while maintaining balance in their personal life.
Living and Transportation
Getting around campus and exploring housing options are key to a successful experience at VCU.
Get Involved
From advocacy work, clubs, and student leadership, how do you want to get involved on campus?