Student Conduct and Academic Integrity
Mission Statement
Student Conduct and Academic Integrity supports the educational mission of the university by educating students about appropriate behavior, developing their ethical decision-making skills, and helping them understand how their actions affect others. If misconduct is alleged, Student Conduct and Academic Integrity provides prompt, fair, and impartial resolution to the matter, balancing both the interests of the individual student and the community at large.
SCAI supports the educational mission of the university by educating students about appropriate behavior and fostering a community supporting academic success
Student Code of Conduct
Under the terms of the Virginia Commonwealth University Student Code of Conduct students have extended rights, but also assume many responsibilities. For a student to succeed at VCU, they must know and understand this policy and live within the parameters of the Student Code of Conduct and other university policies.
Honor System & Standards of Academic Conduct
The Honor System and Standards of Academic Conduct aims to ensure the fair resolution of allegations and the appropriate sanction of violations so as to hold students justly accountable, remedy the effects of misconduct, and encourage future behavior that meets the university’s standards of academic honesty, ethics and integrity.