Dean of Students Office
The Dean of Students Office aims to help students chart a path toward success, overcoming barriers as they arise and ensuring that the proper support services are being utilized as needed.
Office of Multicultural Student Affairs
OMSA offers diversity, inclusion and social justice dialogues, presentations, and workshops, cultural heritage month events, mentorship and leadership engagement opportunities, identity-based discussion groups, and diversity and inclusion living-learning floors.
Student Conduct and Academic Integrity
Student Conduct and Academic Integrity supports the educational mission of the university by educating students about appropriate behavior, developing their ethical decision-making skills, and helping them understand how their actions affect others.
Student Accessibility and Educational Opportunity
Student Accessibility and Educational Opportunity promotes student development and creates a campus culture of inclusion and equal access for all students.
Technology Support Services
Technology Support Services provide technical support and services to the Division of Student Affairs staff through the DSA help desk and VCU students through the Resnet help desk.
Family Programs
Helping families transition to Virginia Commonwealth University and connect with meaningful university engagement opportunities.